Parents and carers
We believe there has never been a more challenging time to be a parent. There is an overwhelming amount of parenting advice online, often without any evidence behind it. We are a generation of parents raising children very differently to how we were raised ourselves, and all of this takes place in a very rapidly changing world.
Parents and carers reach out to us for a variety of reasons, below are some examples....
How can I choose the right school for my child, what should I be looking out for?
My child has recently been diagnosed with ADHD/Autism and I’m not sure what to do next
I’m struggling with my child’s behaviour and looking for some advice
There is a particular area I want to know more about regarding my child’s development - can you summarise the research on this for me?
I’m struggling to manage my child’s screen time and need some support
You can find a list of our areas of expertise here. This is not exhaustive, if you require support with something that’s not on this list, please get in touch as we may still be able to help, or source someone who can.